About us

Who We Are

Insignia is made up of like-minded and like-hearted leaders who work to become better versions
of ourselves at home, work, play, and service, for the benefit of those we love, those we work
with, and those we come across in life. And we know that none of us were meant to go it alone.


Formally, Insignia is a 501(c)(3) public benefit organization, supported by individuals, charitable
entities, corporate matching, and grants, extending our programs and services to everyone, as we
are all leaders regardless of position, and our choices make an impact – for good or for better –
on those around us.


America has a great history of service and personal responsibility organizations, from service
clubs to fraternal and sororal fellowships to outreach efforts such as the YMCA, Young Life,
Cru, and Athletes in Action. Everything we do is “faith-based but not in your face,” welcoming
anyone who wants to make the mark they were created to make, to put their Insignia on the
world around them.

What We Do

Monday Moments is a informational and inspirational Leaders’ brief (and soon-to-be podcast)
that arrives in your mailbox on Mondays. To be added to the list, send your request to
[email protected].


Zoom Groups are virtual round tables for professional and personal development, discussion
among peers, mutual learning, exposure to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and accountability.
These groups feature some of the elements of elite or professional organizations, but do not have
an entry fee or pre-qualification parameters other than a willingness to learn, grow, and share
your story so others can learn from you.


Thoughts on the Rocks is a bi-weekly, monthly, or periodic mens’ gathering which must be
experienced to be understood. ToTR’s are currently hosted in Cincinnati/NKY, Chattanooga,
Noblesville, Kirkland, and Southern Cal. For information on how to launch one in your


Getaways. From extended weekend retreats to bucket list flyfishing and golf events, these trips
offer the kind of opportunity most of us are too others-oriented to partake in: a week or weekend
away to focus on one’s own personal growth and development, in an environment that is special.
Some of these trips qualify as true Bucket List life events.


Personal, Family, and Career Coaching. Insignia provides professional level coaching for
those who need it the most but can access it (or afford it) the least. Coaching is distinctly
different from formalized counseling and offers quite a few advantages for short- and mid-term
life improvement, conflict resolution, or crisis response.


Divorce and Beyond is a proven, time-tested resource offered for those who are dealing with
past, present, or pending divorce and its related issues. D&B events and follow-up services are

led by experienced leaders and feature the kind of information to move you forward and the
empathy to know that you’re not alone.

Why No Fees?

Insignia roundtables, groups, career transition services, the apps and drinks at Thoughts on the
Rocks, and everything aside from the raw cost of our trips are all offered free of charge. As a
public benefit organization, we never want cost – or the perception that there are financial drivers
– to be an impediment to involvement.


We are able to offer all that we offer because of the committed and regular generosity of those
who believe in (and often have benefitted from) what we do. The Insignia Foundation is a
certified, federal, public benefit 501(c)(3) organization, and is supported by donors’ gifts of cash,
stock and/or appreciated assets, corporate matching gifts, family foundations, various types of
grants, and partnerships with other like-minded organizations.


While many donors give annually according to their charitable giving window, one special group
of donors is called the Legacy Club, made up for those who believe in and/or have benefitted
from Insignia and its predecessors, who give $100/month as a regular ongoing sustaining
donation which fuels everything we do.


If there is a place for Insignia in your personal or corporate charitable giving plan, gifts can be
received at xxx. For special handling and/or logistics questions, please reach Bob Lynch, our
Treasurer, at [email protected].